Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Building the Kingdom of God: Lesson 3/Manual 2

If you taught a YW lesson this past Sunday, hope it went well.  It looks like girls recieved the handout that I designed in places other than my ward, so I'm happy that people other than me were able to use it.  This week the lesson is "Building the Kingdom of God".  I found this cute handout on Sugardoodle's website that I think I'm going to use rather than designing something.  I'm not quite sure that I'm going to do with it but I think I want to stick with the building/construction theme.  Any ideas? 

Does anyone have any great ideas of where to get tableclothes that fit those small classroom tables that are in the church buildings?  I might just sew something, but thought I'd ask first.  Also on my to-do list this week is to stop by Ikea to pick up a bunch of their $0.99 easles & my own chalk & eraser because the library in our building is not stocked very well.  Oh, I think I'll also get my own pencil box and pencils so I can hopefully avoid the library all together.

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