Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There's something about walking into a Williams-Sonoma store that speaks to my soul.  I love the smells, displays, gadgets, unique baking supplies, and FOOD!  Usually when I stop into a WS store, I like to make my way to the back where most stores have a sale table set-up.  I found a couple new treasures during my last visit to WS ...  one of which was a cherry-red, trendy fondue pot ... normally $30 marked down to $10.  If you've been desiring another fondue pot to add to your collection, hurry to your nearest store.  I looked online and do not see this particular model on the WS website.  FYI: I bought mine from the Scottsdale Fashion Square store & they had several left when I was there.


  1. cute blog design! i love WS too! you got a great deal, i love when that happens! see you tonight!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about a store speaking to the soul... Every time I walk into Home Depot, Auto Zone, Sears and especially Best Buy, it's like I hear voices in my head and on every aisle, saying "down here! Hey you... Come over here and look at this!"


Thanks for stopping by today!!