Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 9, 2007

It has been almost three years since we were able to take Peacock to the Washington D.C. Temple to be sealed to our eternal family. YEAH!!

Here are the memories that I recorded a few years ago:

"We drove out there on a Thursday night and then got up and played most of the day Friday ... had to hit Tyson's Court!! Friday evening, we went back to our hotel room, changed into our Sunday clothes and headed towards the temple. It think it was supposed to be a 20 minute drive to the temple, but it turned into a drive that took an hour & a half because of rush hour traffic. Because we were running late by the time we got to the temple, there wasn't time for photos before our appointment.

Our wonderful friends Seth & Jane met us there. We're so happy that we could have someone join us for this special occasion. The girls were taken into a special children's room with toys, snacks, beds & some very fun grandma-like caregivers. Hubby & I worked on the appropriate paperwork and then we were ready to begin.

Seth, Jane, Hubby & I met in front of the sealing room and a few minutes later our girls came down the hall with their caregivers. Tears came to my eyes as I watched my girls coming nearer to me. They looked so beautiful in their white dresses. I can still see them now in my mind. An image I hope to never forget! Seth graciously accepted the duty of acting as one of our witnesses and before we knew it, Peacock was eternally ours!

After the ceremony, we were able to take a couple quick pictures outside, but by that time it was dark & rather chilly. Afterwards, our family, along with Seth & Jane, went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner to celebrate."

I think I'll break out the "I am Special Today" plate next week & make Peacock a meal & dessert of her choice to celebrate this special occasion.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to hear more about your adoption story sometime. . . You should check out my blogs (the main one is theinkboutique - a blogspot blog) the rest are linked there. I think we have A LOT in common. Rachele


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