Monday, April 19, 2010

Faux Camping

I've been out-of-it for a few days.  Thursday I spent the majority of my day at the torture chamber (aka dental office).  I'm still feeling the effects of that visit today ... my gums are still sore and now my lips are full of blisters.  beautiful.  Friday morning, Hubby had a job interview with a dentist he's been communicating with via Skype & email for several weeks. The dentist happened to be in Scottsdale this weekend for some kind of class or convention, so hubby was able to meet him face-to-face.  They had a nice meeting which, for part of the time, included the owner's consultant.  Hubby says we should hear more sometime this week. 

Usually our weekends are packed with extended family activities, church responsibilites, continuing education classes, etc.  But not this past weekend.  Our Saturday was ours & ours alone.  Friday night we watched a movie (Princess & the Frog) and consumed popcorn & horchata.  Weird combo, but that's what the kiddies wanted.  Then after the movie, we pitched our big ol' tent in the backyard and slept outside.  It was kinda chilly & hard to sleep out there, but it was well worth it and the kiddies loved it!!  We spent the rest of our day Saturday just bumming around town ... eating, shopping, eating again, watching movies, resting, etc.  All good stuff.

I have a YW lesson for this week, but the power source for my computer isn't working.  I should be up & running again by about Thursday.  Stay tuned.

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