Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finds on iTunes

On iTunes you can get a free "From Pole to Pole" episode of Planet Earth produced by BBC. It's a 48-minute HD TV download from Series 1 of Planet Earth. Other episodes of this length cost $1.99 to $2.99.

Also available on iTunes is "That Easter Morn".  Just search "That Easter Morn" & it should pop right up.  You can buy the whole CD or individual songs. The music is absolutely beautiful!!  We have a copy of this CD in both our cars & it's what the kids always want to listen to while we're on the road.

Tickets go on sale this week for EVMCO's next concert, "O' America".  We will be performing on Friday, May 21 7:30pm  @ Gammage!  Tickets are $15 & $25.  Our previous concert was sold-out, so don't delay in buying your tickets!!

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