Monday, June 14, 2010

Girls Camp Recipes Part II

More fun camping recipes:

Banana Boats

You need: Bananas (1 per person), chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, nuts, toffee, peanut butter, &/or other goodies & toppings.

Break the banana top & peel only one section down.  Do NOT remove the banana from the peel.  Starting at the top of the banana and coming down, scoop out some of the banana with a spoon to make it look like a boat.  Put your toppings into the banana boat & then close the banana back up.  Wrap banana in foil & place in coals.  Cook for about 10 minutes or until chocolate & marchmallows are melted.  Unwrap & eat. :)

Soft/Hard Boiled Eggs (no pot)

Get a sheet of newspaper thoroughly damp.  Place an egg on the paper and roll it up.  Place newspaper/egg bundle in the coals.  Cook for the same amount of time as you would for a boiled egg.  5min=soft, 10 min=hard boiled.  Remove bundle & unwrap.  Crack egg and gently break open to eat.

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