Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

I can't believe it's been SEVEN years since Penguin became ours.  Someday I'd love to write more about her adoption story and how she came to be mine, but not today cause today I wanted to play. 

Seven years ago today, Hubby & I stood in a Russian court room with high hopes that a little someone would soon call us daddy & mommy.  Penguin is my oldest (a tough spot to have sometimes ... I should know!) and I'll be eternally grateful to her for making me a mom.

I'm kinda glad that Daddy had the day off work today cause we were able to do some things that we might not have done otherwise.  We also decided last minute to have a little dinner party ... we made Primanti Bro's sandwiches with homemade fries & slaw.  I also made a couple batches of Russian Tea Cakes (some of you may call them Mexican Wedding Cakes) to go along with our dinner.  I tried a new recipe this time and although it's a very simple recipe, I think this one had a very nice flavor & texture, so I thought I'd share it with ya. 

Russian Tea Cakes:
(24 small cookies)
Recipe by Maida Heatter with a few of my variations. :)

1/4 lb (1 stick) unsalted butter
2 T confectioners sugar (plus more for sprinkling over the cookies after they have baked)
1/2 t vanilla extract (I don't usually measure my vanilla, but I'm pretty sure I put at least 1 whole teaspoon into my batter ... the more, the merrier!)
1 C sifted all-purpose flour
2 1/2 oz. walnuts, chopped very fine, but not ground

~Adjust the rack 1/3 down from the top of the oven.  Preheat oven to 375* F.
~In a small bowl, beat the butter with an electric mixer until softened a bit.  Add sugar & vanilla & beat 1-2 minutes.  On the lowest speed add the flour and then the walnuts, beating until the dough holds together.
~Remove from mixer.  Use a scant tablespoon of dough (most of mine were probably more like a heaping tablespoon) for each cookie.  Roll into 1-inch balls.  Place 1 inch apart on unbuttered cookie sheet.  Bake about 15 minutes, reversing position of sheet during baking, until lightly colored.

~With a metal spatula, transfer to a rack to cool.  When completely cool, strain confectioners sugar generously over the tops.  I took some liberties here by dumping a bunch of confectioners sugar in a small bowl and then I just rolled my cookies in the sugar so they were completely coated in sugar.

When I made these, I doubled the recipe.  From the time I started getting out ingredients until I pulled the last sheet out of the oven was about 45 minutes ... not bad if you're looking for a simple & quick dessert idea.

1 comment:

  1. We have so many days that can be celebrated because of adoption. Happy adoption day!! Those cookies look yum! Love your photography.


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