Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tired ....

It's almost midnight & I'm beat.  I feel like I never stopped to sit down & relax today ... or eat ... or a lot of other things.  School is in full swing for the kids, I'm taking an on-line class, and it's time for me to start sawing away on my ol' fiddle.  I'm afraid that my days of baking goodies are going to have to slow down a bit.

Around dinner time yesterday, these little babies came out of the oven.  I'm sorry that I'm too lazy to type up recipes ... maybe some day....

If you want to try something like this, make some brownie and cheesecake batter ... just a small batch for both.  The cheesecake batter doesn't need to be anything fancy.  Just some cream cheese, sugar, an egg yolk & mini chocolate chips.  I put the brownie batter into a gallon-size Ziploc bag and the cheesecake batter into a quart-size Ziploc bag.  Then clip off a corner of the bags and squeeze the brownie batter into mini cupcake liners ... filling them about 2/3.  Then put about 1 teaspoon of the cheesecake batter into the center of the brownie batter.  Bake.  Enjoy.  I made about 50 of these mini brownie cheesecakes and within a few hours, less than 10 were left.  (My YW enjoyed a few of them as well.) 

Off to bed ....

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