Monday, August 9, 2010

Young Women Manual 2 Lesson 30: Strengthening Testimony through Service

If you like cute things for Young Women, I think I have some for ya today.

My favorite handouts are by Shaunte Wadley & they can be found HERE.  Couldn't resist the owls! :)  I took the cute handouts and made an 8.5x11" page of both handouts.  I had to shrink down the handouts just a little so I could get 4 to a page, but they still turned out to be a really nice size.  Use my page below for easy at-home printing.  Or just use Shaunte's originals off of Sugardoodle's website if you want to get prints made at Costco.

TONS of cute handout ideas are HERE.  I took the compli"mint" idea towards the bottom of the list and had some fun with it.  I made brownies with York Peppermint Patties in the middle.  I'm sure you could use any homemade brownie recipe to duplicate my idea.  Just put 1/2 the brownie batter in the bottom of your pan and then layer the batter with peppermint patties.  I used a 9x13" pan and I probably used about 50 peppermint patties.  After your patties are in place, spread the rest of your batter on top of the patties.

They should make a beautiful, fudgey treat!

Then I had fun being creative ....

I made little wrappers for the brownies. 

I just printed them at home with glossy photo paper, but I'm sure a nice cardstock would work as well.  I recommend bending the corners of the wrapper so it wraps & fits nicely around your brownie.  I "glued" the wrapper behind the brownie with a blue glitter star sticker ... the squishy, foamy kind of stickers.  Any kind of sticker or paper glue should work for you. 

I know my wrappers are not evenly spaced, but I was in a hurry.  I kinda trimmed them all anyways to make them each the size I wanted.  I wanted to see a little bit of brownie showing on the top & bottom of each wrapper.

I used some of Angela's ideas for my actual lesson.  I put a nice tablecloth on the table and then brought different items to display that make me happy.... 

  • A framed photograph of my kids (family)
  • Shoe box (shopping)
  • Point & shoot camera (photography & creative outlets)
  • Cookbook (food, baking)
  • Sunglasses (warm, sunny weather)
  • Metronome (music, playing violin & piano)
  • Scriptures (spiritual things)
It was a fun get-to-know-you hearing about what makes the girls happy.  The girls & I all shared our own experiences & stories that related to service.  To close my lesson, I used this video:


  1. Thank you for this, you just helped guide me to some fabulous ideas to make my lesson have a little more impact.

  2. I still haven't figured out how to place a video clip for my lesson. Do you save it to something or do you ahve internet at your building?


    Those brownies are looking SO good to me. I HAVE to make those. Thanks for ruining my diet! (just kidding!) :)

  3. Ooh! I love the brownies! Mint is my fave- this is going to be fun! All of the handouts are fantastic, thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I have the same question as Jennifer. I have wanted to show a clip before but haven't been sure how to do it? Can it be saved to a DVD? I would love to use this clip this week if you or anyone else has a suggestion on how is best to do so.

    P.S. - the handouts are darling & the brownies look delicious!

  5. I believe most church buildings do not have internet access or they block it so only the offices can use it. Check out my post here:

    I always download the video clips and just save them onto the desktop of my laptop and just play them from my laptop. You can google, "How to download (or save) a youtube video" and lots of help videos & tutorials should come up. I'll work on a tutorial that shows how I use/save the videos.

    Another option would be getting intnet access to your laptop somehow. Like .... maybe a phone with internet capabilities (like an i-phone) could be plugged into a laptop?? Or you can buy cards that allow you to have internet access on your laptop anywhere or maybe someone in your ward already has something like that that you can just borrow.


Thanks for stopping by today!!