Monday, September 13, 2010


It was just posted .... My A-dor-able Turkey is a finalist!!!!!!!!!!!  Go cast your vote!! ☺

Some fun comments:

Katie B. - Frolicking Night Owl’s reminds me of a mini version of Elton John…I love it! They are all great!

Eric - (replying to Katie B's comment) I agree. Something about that one makes me laugh everytime.

Carrie H - I love the frolicking night owl shot too – the kids face is classic.

Steder -The kid with the sunglasses– too funny. He’s like an Anne Geddes caricature of Donald Trump. Again, made me smile, lots.

Mandy - Great stuff! My faves: Suprasheera, Frolicking Night Owl and the baby in the kitchen sink. :)

Pam - I LOVE the one of the baby wearing the sunglasses! What a grin!

Myra - Baby with the pink sunglasses. Priceless.

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