Friday, October 29, 2010

French Fridays with Dorie: Marie-Helene's Apple Cake

Another GREAT recipe!!  This cake was outstanding.  Perfect amount of fruit with moist, almost custard-like cake.  I loved trying it with the different varieties of apples.  I think it would work just fine with one variety of apple, but the subtle differences in flavors and textures added something special to this cake.

We ate our cake with vanilla ice cream (which I HIGHLY recommend!), right out of the oven.  I definitely liked this cake best straight from the oven.  While it was warm, it had a crusty/crispy top and I loved how the ice cream melted and seeped into all the crevices.

The next morning, I gave some cake to my kids for breakfast and it quickly disappeared.  Without the ice cream and with a couple variations, this cake could make a special breakfast treat.

I used a 9" springform pan and made 1+1/2 the recipe.  I used 5 apples (instead of 6) because one apple was rather large and after reading other reviews, I didn't want my cake to have too much apple.  The apples I used were Jonathan, Granny Smith, Gala, Crisp Pink, and one unknown apple.  I substituted rum with apple cider and added an extra 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.  Even though I changed some things up, I still baked it for the recommended baking time ... around 55 minutes.

My hubby suggested a variation to this recipe.  I already have all my ingredients for his idea, so after I do some testing, I will report. :)


  1. Yum. As you saw, I had mine with ice cream too although I think the next time I'm going to make cinnamon ice cream to go with it. (Gosh, if I have the time!) So you asked about the bottom and no, I used a long knife and off it went. I'm sure parchment would do the job too. And if not, who cares? Nobody sees the bottom!
    Trevor Sis Boom.

  2. I enjoyed reading your write-up and, as usual, your photos are beautiful. I have 1 piece left, so I might sneak in and eat it right now before anyone else finds it!

  3. Your cake is so beautiful ... and your photos are too! I'm going to make this cake again soon, but I'm going to use the 9-inch pan increase the batter as well. I just loved this cake.

  4. I'm definitely making this again in a 9' pan. I didn't even think about increasing the recipe to 1 1/2. Brilliant idea. More cake for me...I mean, for me to share with co-workers!

  5. Beautiful photos! They're making me hungry for this cake again!

  6. Apple cider! What a great idea! I just bought a whole jug the other day for another brown betty recipe. Great pictures, too!

  7. Yours is a lovely golden brown! Don't you just love that crispy top?! I wish we had ice cream with ours, but I didn't have any in the freezer. I look forward to seeing and hearing about your husband's variation on this recipe. :)

  8. Apple cider sounds like a great substitute for the rum. Looks beautiful!

  9. Yours looks delicious! Interested in your variation too. :)

  10. Your cake is beautiful! I really wanted ice cream with mine but 'settled' for caramel sauce.

  11. Lovely! I agree that this is best right from the oven (well, what isn't?). One of the charms of the cake is that the texture changes, from light and fluffy, to moister and denser.

    So curious about the possible variation!


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