Friday, November 26, 2010

Caramel-Topped Semolina Cake: French Fridays with Dorie

{I'm slow in posting ... busy weekend! :) }

I saved what I hoped would be the best recipe of the month for last.  Cake ... made with Cream of Wheat!  I've always loved Cream of Wheat ... one of my most favorite breakfast items. 

I started making the cake after 8 pm one evening.  It was done & out of the oven by 9 pm.  Very quick & easy and I keep all the ingredients on hand except for maybe a fresh lemon. I made my cake with dried blueberries cause I'm not a huge fan of raisins.

I had two friends visiting late that particular night, so they taste-tested the cake with me.  They both enjoyed the cake and commented several times that it was yummy.  They did comment that the cake was not sweet enough unless they had a bite with a blueberry, which most/all bites did have a blueberry, but maybe something to keep in mind for the future.  I also think my caramel got too much lemon juice cause it was a little too sour.

The next morning, my kids polished off the rest of the cake for breakfast.  My 7 year old requested chocolate chips instead of blueberries the next time I make this cake.  I have to admit I was actually thinking the same thing.  Chocolate would be a very yummy addition!!

Overall this cake was yummy and had great texture.  I think that even those who don't like Cream of Wheat cereal might still like this cake.  If I were to make it again, I'd try a caramel sauce with less or no lemon juice.


  1. I like how you used blueberries instead of the raisins. When I looked at your photo, I thought, "Wow, those look like blueberries!" Nice touch polishing it off for breakfast. Always a good idea!

  2. Your cake looks super yummy! Love the blueberry idea. I'm going to try it with chocolate too. We loved it at my house.

  3. Chocolate chips sound like a great idea! I'm with the kiddos :)

  4. I thought the same thing about the lemon juice..I wonder if the caramel would be sweeter if we left it out completely or halved it??!

  5. chocolate chips would be a great sub! your cake looks so smooth and creamy. yum!

  6. Nice looking cake...just oozing with juicy flavors. Good idea to use blueberries, I was considering chocolate, but the baby was here and enjoying it...and we do like raisins! Glad you got this done and nice photo!

  7. Great idea on the blueberries! I added candied lemon and orange peel in the second batch and that was very tasty too.



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