Monday, November 15, 2010

My Favorite Things #1

I think I've bitten off more than I can chew for this coming week.  Too many things going on!  If I turn-up MIA for a few days, I'm just running around with my head chopped off!!

Instead of regular blogging, I thought I might share some of my favorite things.  I know that I'm no Oprah, but hopefully my faves are a bit more practical for us regular people.  Maybe you'd like to do the same by sharing some of your favorites.  I thought it might help spark some ideas for the approaching gift-giving time of year.  So, if you are also up for sharing some of your favorite items in life, please leave your blog link in my comments so we can all check-out your faves.

Today for Monday I'm gonna have to say some of my favorite things are the Ikea plastic dishes for kids.  The fun, bright colors initially caught my attention several years ago while shopping in Ikea.  We have now collected a few sets of their cups, bowls, plates, and utensils.  I keep most of mine at kid-level in the kitchen so the kids can grab what they need and help set their spots at the dinner table.  I love that they wash well and that they can go in the microwave ... great for lunchtime leftovers!!

P.S.  They're cheap too ... each set of 6 (6 bowls, 6 plates, etc) are only $1.99!


  1. I just got a set of these when we moved to England . . . though I had to order mine through Amazon UK, and they weren't quite as cheap as they are at Ikea, darn it!

    Do your kids fight over who gets which color? My oldest daughter makes faces every time she gets a dark blue cup or plate ("But Mom, blue is a boy color . . . .")!

  2. OH YES! It's always a war over who gets which color. Esp with the girls ... they fight over the pink & turquoise ... as they call it.


Thanks for stopping by today!!