Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Carol

On Saturday, my dad planned an outing for the whole family & it was a very nice way to spend the day.  We went to the Hale Centre Theatre in downtown Gilbert and saw the matinee showing of A Christmas Carol.  The production was great & much better than I expected and my kids were very well behaved and enjoyed it as well.  After the show, the whole group went out to lunch.  Great family day!


  1. Sounded like a fun day! Cute photo!

  2. Truly a great family day!
    happy hols with love and Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh, a day at the theater...sounds lovely. Your kids look so theater savvy! Maybe I'll attempt the theater soon with my wipper-snappers!

  4. I can't believe how big they all are!


Thanks for stopping by today!!