Friday, December 31, 2010

Leek & Potato Soup: French Fridays with Dorie

I missed my French Fridays with Dorie post last week ... too busy with Christmas activities!  I did not get around to making the speculoos yet, but I'd still like to do that ... maybe next week.  I did make the Leek & Potato soup this week, though.  It was another fairly quick & simple recipe.  I started by sauteing some onions and garlic in a little butter.

After the onions were soft, I basically just threw everything else into the pot ... some salt & pepper, a few springs of thyme, a cubed potato, three leeks, some milk and some chicken broth.  I let it cook on the stove for about 40 minutes, as the recipe states, and then I decided to add a bunch of frozen corn.  My kids & I tried the soup for lunch with a little shredded cheese on top.

I have to admit that I was not super excited about the results.  The soup was too runny, I wasn't loving the thyme, and overall the flavor was too onion-y.  I felt like it needed more veggies or something to kick-it-up a notch!  I left the soup on low on the stove for a few hours and then came back and had some more for dinner.  By dinner time, the soup was thicker, the flavor was so much better and the thyme & onions were no longer too strong.  I still kinda wished I had some bell peppers and another potato or two in my soup, but I guess that would've turned it into corn chowder.  :)


  1. I was surprised that this recipe only called for one potato, weren't you? I pureed mine with an immersion blender, and it really thickened up nicely.

    I wasn't blown away by this soup, either. But it was good for a quick, light supper on a cold day.

    Happy new year!!

  2. I enjoyed the soup, but I did use two potatoes. Yours looks mighty tasty!! Happy New Year!!

  3. This cookbook showed up under my Christmas tree. I'm rather excited to start cooking after drooling over all these posts!

  4. I agree with you about the veggie additions. I think it really helps with the flavor. Here's wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year!

  5. I love leek and potato soup but haven't tried Dorie's version yet. (I really need to get back into the swing of ffwd!) I've never added corn to mine but it sounds good. Hope you have a lovely new year!

  6. Yum! Love the bowls, too - beautiful! :) Happy New Year!

  7. I loved this soup but did find it needed quite a bit of salt. I used a food mill to puree part of the soup and that added more texture.

  8. I think we felt the same way about this soup. I could think of all sorts of tweaks I would want to do but then if there are that many... why not start fresh with another inspiration. Still, your pictures are amazing!
    Trevor Sis. Boom.

  9. Your photos are beautiful! Happy New Year!

  10. I did use an immersion mixer to mix up my soup a bit, but I could've mixed it more.

  11. I didn't love this soup either. I just wasn't thick enough, I pureed mine for a smooth soup. It was still sort of thin. Definitely try to make the speculoos this week. They're fantastic! Happy New Year!

  12. I was a lover of this soup - I did use a REALLY BIG potato, so that may have helped... (Also pureed half of it, which helped & used heavy cream instead of milk)
    Sorry it wasn't a favorite for you, but love the pics.

    Happy New Year!

  13. I used an immersion blender to partially puree this soup, which helped thicken it. It's too bad your last FFWD of the year wasn't a favourite, but there will be lots of opportunities for success in 2011!

    Happy New Year!


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