Friday, December 17, 2010

Spiced Butter-Glazed Carrots: French Fridays with Dorie

This week I finally got around to making my carrot dish and I'm so glad I did!  I actually served them with the mushroom lasagna that I made last night. The carrots finished quite a bit quicker than the lasagna, even though I started the lasagna much earlier, so I put the carrots on the table with a little piece of foil over them.  My little Turkey kept coming over to the table and swiping carrots. By the time dinner started, he had put a decent sized dent in the carrots!  My boy loves to eat ... I should start a savings account now for his teenage years!!!

The carrots were yummy and were very easy to prepare.  I used ginger, garlic, onion, chicken broth, and cardamom to season them.  I have to admit that I had never cooked with cardamom before last night, but I'm glad I searched it out at the store and tried it.  The smell of it reminds me of cinnamon gum. :)  The only change I'd make next time would be to cut some of the carrots into pieces that are a little smaller because the fatter ones didn't cook evenly.


  1. Your carrots look like they turned out great! Yum!

  2. The carrots look great - this is what I am making this week.

  3. Yup...very nice looking carrots. I will be making these this week so maybe your Turkey would like to come an swipe some of mine!

  4. Mmm...they look so good. I'm glad that the kids enjoyed them - I love to hear children eating vegetables! :) I still have yet to make these - great idea to pair with lasagna.

  5. Some of us have our own little (and not so little) Turkeys swiping the delicious nibbles:)
    Your carrots look really good. I have to make them next week, and I am so relieved that they are easy and not time-consuming.

  6. Your carrots are so beautiful ... that lasagna! Oh, my.


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