Friday, January 7, 2011

Paris Mushroom Soup: French Fridays with Dorie

This week, all the FFwD chefs worked on the recipe for Paris Mushroom Soup.  I L-O-V-E mushrooms, so this is a recipe that I was excited to try!  Again, another fairly simple recipe and it was nice to have something warm & comforting to eat this week.  This soup reminded me of a mushroom soup I had in Moscow, Russia when I was looking for something to settle my tummy/nerves and the Wildflower Bread Co has a similar soup that I tried after having my wisdom teeth pulled this past summer.  Obviously, I go to mushroom soups when I want to be comforted!

One & a half pounds of mushrooms are sauteed with garlic & onions in butter. (Next time I might try a couple varieties of mushrooms.)  Chicken broth, herbs, & spices are added.  (I made mine without the rosemary this time around ... so just fresh parsley in my soup.)

A "salad" is put into each of the bowls.  My salads consisted of raw mushrooms, green onions, & more parsley.

I pureed my soup with a hand/immersion blender and then ladled it into the bowls on top of the salad.  We added a little sour cream to our soup.  I wished that the soup was a touch more creamy, so next time I might add some heavy cream to the pot when it's close to serving time.  Overall, I really enjoyed this soup and it's a recipe that I'd definitely make again and play with a bit.  Trying soup on top of the "salad" was a new experience but after trying the soup without the salad, I think I prefer no salad.  One other thing I thought about doing is making some sauteed mushrooms in a separate skillet and adding large, cooked mushroom chunks back into the soup after blending it and next time I'd definitely double the recipe!

I was trying to think of some sides or even a main course that would go well with this soup.  I think a hearty bread or a piece of baguette might be better than a soft dinner roll.  Another thought I had is something like a panini sandwich ... warm, crispy bread with melted cheese.  If I went the salad route, I'd go with something that has fruits, candied nuts, and a sweet dressing.

Want to see the results of other chefs?  Go HERE!


  1. I'm so stealing your idea of adding sauteed whole mushrooms to the soup after it's been blended! Great idea!

  2. Your soup looks so good. I really loved this recipe. I was a little apprehensive of the salad in the soup bowl, but I really enjoyed it.

  3. Loved the pictures. A Havarti panini would have gone lovely with this?

  4. Yum...that panini would definitely go well with this soup! I think I'll leave some mushroom chunks the next time I make it too. We thought it was delicious. :)

  5. Such great photos! Your soup turned out beautifully. Grilled cheese sandwich always goes well with soup.. :)

  6. Your soup looks so great! Love the photos. We did have paninis with our soup and it was perfect!

  7. Your soup looks great and I like your ideas for sides. I'm not much of a mushroom fan, but I liked this soup a lot.

  8. I love your idea for next time ... adding sauteed mushrooms at the end. That would be great!


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