Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies: Baked Sunday Mornings

I tried Red Velvet cake one time ... about 10 year ago.  I wasn't a fan.  But in the spirit of Valentine's Day and trying new recipes, I decided to give the Red Velvet Whoopie Pies a whirl this afternoon.  I was also in need of a goodie to give to some of my Valentines ... my four favorite teenage girls from church ... my Laurel class.

The batter was pretty quick & easy.  Spooning the batter out onto my parchment paper and trying to make sure they turned out about the same size was more time consuming.  The recipe recommends using a small ice cream scoop with a release mechanism, but I only have a large scoop, so I had to make do with the utensils that I had because I wanted my whoopie pies to be somewhat small.  While my little whoopie pies baked, I quickly made some cream cheese filling.

After assembling my whoopie pies, I had fun decorating them.  I made some with the recommended toasted walnuts, but sprinkles also turned out way fun & cute. (The multi-colored sprinkles would be very fun for a birthday party!) I put my pies in the fridge to set and we went for a family walk because it was about 80* here yesterday ... beautiful!  When we got home, I put one walnut and one sprinkle whoopie pie into each cellophane bag and we were off to make some deliveries.  I had some leftover whoopie pies so Penguin was anxious to take some goodies to her two BFF's and Peacock wanted to make a delivery to her Sunday School teacher.  I asked Turkey if he wanted to take some to any of his teachers or friends, but the only response I could get from him was, "NO! I want to just eat them!"

The verdict ... I'm still not a fan of Red Velvet cake.  I won't say what it tastes like to me cause it's just gross, but my family seemed to enjoy them and many of our Valentine recipients were very excited about trying Red Velvet, so I think overall, they were a hit.

If you'd like to see the results of other Sunday Bakers or take a look at the recipe, go HERE.


  1. Good for your for making them despite the "unpleasant" taste!

  2. Your Turkey sounds just like my boys! So funny. Often when I ask N if he wants to help make something, he responds, "no I just want to eat them." :)

  3. Glad you made them even if you didn't like them. They went over very well here.

  4. your whoopies are so adorable! and love the sprinkles. nice addition!

  5. Good for you to make some tasty Valentines...I'm sure all your sweeties loved them and the kiddies were excited to take them around too. I am too big a chocolate fan to ruin it with food coloring, which does have a lingering taste no matter what kind is used. Nice post, pretty pics, and glad you got it all done.


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