Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sweet Tarts with Sweethearts!

My Laurel class (the 16-18 year old girls from church) came over tonight & I taught them how to make mini-tarts.  Last night I made dark chocolate pudding and butterscotch pudding to be used for our fillings. 

When the girls arrived, we used Dorie Greenspan's sweet tart recipe for the crust ... we doubled the recipe and were able to make 9 mini-tarts (probably about 4") ... just in case any one's wondering.  While the crusts were in the freezer and then baking, I put the girls to work chopping strawberries, bananas, and since Brittany had never made homemade whipped cream before, she got that job.  We also had some down time which was good for just chatting and planning what we want to do for other upcoming activities.  We get together every Tuesday night & we try to do a variety of activities in hopes to appeal to all the girls at some point and so they can try lots of new things ... sometimes we work on homemaking skills, sometimes we do a service project, sometimes we do something more athletic, sometimes it's a spiritual evening ... it's always different and we always have a good time together.

After the crusts came out of the oven, the girls had fun mixing and matching puddings, fruits, nuts and other toppings to make beautiful little tarts.  They did a great job and should be very proud!!

Peacock had been home with me and watching us make all these tarts, so at 9pm, she looked at me with her cute brown eyes and asked to make some pies with me.  So, after 9pm, Peacock & I started another batch of tarts.  We doubled the crust recipe again & made one 9" tart and four of the 4" tarts.  When Hubby got home after 10pm last night, he was very happy to find that more crusts were coming out of the oven cause he definitely wanted some tarts too! 


  1. How awesome that you shared Dorie's tart recipe! Maybe we'll get new ffwD participants!

  2. Those look beautiful!

  3. Looks like the girl's tarts turned out great...I'm sure they were happy with the results!

  4. These look great! What a cool thing to do..share your love of cooking with others! I love that you made another batch with your daughter at 9 pm. What a super mom!


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