Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Family Fun Night

So, after my lesson on Sunday, I was feeling like I wanted to do something fun Monday night.  Hubby worked out in I-don't-know-where ... all I know is that it was about an hour drive each way.  He's working a temp job right now on Mondays, so all I care about is what time he gets home and what kind of check he brings home with him. :)  Hubby ended up not getting home until about 8pm and even though it had been a kinda long day in the recording studio & the kids should've been getting ready for bed soon, we were jazzed and ready to have our "Family Fun Night".  Hubby picked up a couple $5 Little Ceaser's pizzas on his way home, we spread old towels out on the family room floor, and watched Fantastic Mr. Fox.  I thought it was a somewhat weird movie (didn't really love the book either), but the kids seemed to love it ....

Earlier in the afternoon, while Turkey was napping, the girls & I tried a new cookie recipe from Alice Medrich's Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy Melt-in-your-Mouth Cookies cookbook.  It was a bit of a toss-up, but we decided on the Bittersweet Decadence Cookies.  Alice recommended a different way of melting the chocolate for this recipe, so we tried it....

I've never sat my bowl of chocolate directly in the simmering water.  After the chocolate was melted, we put the egg/vanilla/sugar mixture in the simmering water as well. 

I only added a healthy 1/2 cup of pecans to the batter because it seemed like there was too much chunkiness and not enough batter, but now after trying the cookies, I'd definitely go for the full 2 cups of nuts next time.  I really liked the pecans in this cookie.  We gave this cookie recipes 10 thumbs up ... and several days later, they still taste good and don't seem dry.


  1. The job hunt is sort of at a stand still. Darren takes boards this weekend and then I think he will have more motivation to start looking seriously. I think we have ruled out Arizona. We are looking into the National Health Service Corps and Indian Health Services. Hopefully we will figure it out soon. I am getting anxious not having any sort of plan.

  2. Those look truly amazing! Thought if I tried to make them I'm sure they wouldn't turn out as good as yours :)


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