Friday, March 25, 2011

Salted Butter Break-Ups ~ French Fridays with Dorie

I'm a week late on this recipe and I'm doing it instead of the scallop recipe.  I've had scallops once in my life and it wasn't a pleasant experience.  Maybe it was just the way they were cooked that particular time because I love shrimp and crab.  Anyways ....

The salted butter break-ups were very simple to make but I have to say they tasted just as simple.  While I was working on them, my Penguin kept telling me I should add some chocolate.  After trying them, she was right!  They definitely were not gross, but they tasted a lot like pie crust.  I'm thinking some cinnamon & sugar sprinkled on top before they're baked would be awesome.  Or it might be fun to dip them in Nutella, pudding, fresh strawberry jam, or some kind of fondue.


  1. The cookies look lovely. I was thinking Nutella would be good on these. But jam would be nice too...

  2. I think the side dips would be really tasty with these cookies and give that extra oomph!

  3. A chunk stuck into ice cream, or the dips you suggested, etc would be good. I liked this giant cook out of my table because there were so many other really sweet or chocolate choices, and this gave a not so sweet choice. With the egg wash, I think cinnamon-sugar with some sliced almonds would be nice...Eric thought it tasted like sand tarts.

  4. I made mine plain (though I think they needed more salt). They would have been excellent dipped in chocolate though.

  5. Sorry, you weren't crazy about these. I really loved them, but I'm a tea addict and they were wonderful with my cup of tea! I also sprinkled a little salt on top so they had a nice salty sweet taste!

  6. I had thought these would be the best dish ever-I love pie crust and Breton cookies. They were ok but not as spectacular as I had fairness, nothing had a chance against my crazy expectations with this one. Nana loved them however. Funny thing is that I was scared of the scallops - not to mention "orange caramel" ones and they were a total surprise and keeper. They are really quick and simple so I heartily suggest (as a scallop convert) you consider them if you find time. Good luck !!

  7. I've yet to post on these - I need to do a catch-up post soon. I think they make a great base for variations, additions and dips. I your kids had fun breaking them apart.

  8. I've yet to post on these - I need to do a catch-up post soon. I think they make a great base for variations, additions and dips. I your kids had fun breaking them apart.

  9. I've yet to post on these - I need to do a catch-up post soon. I think they make a great base for variations, additions and dips. I your kids had fun breaking them apart.

  10. Really just a shortbread so if that is not your thing. I find all things butter and salt delicious so I upped the salt and loved loved loved it.

  11. I agree with Penguin - these needed a little somethin' somethin; and chocolate would be so good as well as Nutella. Your break-ups look great! I am sorry you don't care for scallops - clearly you didn't taste your Mom's! ;)

  12. I missed this recipe too and hope to make it this week. I do want to encourage you to try the sauce, I just saw a fellow FFwD blogger who used shrimp. To me, this sauce was amazing!


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