Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Peacock's Spotlight

On Sunday, Peacock was spotlighted in Sunday School. A few weeks ago, they asked her to fill-in-the-blanks on a questionnaire type thing and then the kids had to guess who the spotlight child was.  Some of Peacock's answers were somewhat amusing, so I wanted to make sure to journal about it so she can go back & read it again when she is older. 

Peacock's Spotlight on July 24, 2011: (underlined words & phrases are her answers)

* I came down to Pittsburgh from my Father above.  (ahhh... close ... should be South Carolina, but Mom & Dad lived in Pittsburgh when she was born.)

* My home has 5 people and no animals to love.

* I like to play chess & go out to eat with my family.

* If you see someone with brown eyes and black hair, it could be me.

* I like learning about math when I go to school.

* When I grow up, I want to be Princess Tiana.

* In my spare time I think twirling & reading are fun.

* And I like to eat cookies & cupcakes when the day is done.  (That's my girl!)

* I like the color purple when I am making art.

* When I read the scriptures, The Book of Mormon is my favorite part.

* On Sunday, CTR 4 is the class I go to.

* Singing Pioneer Day is one of my favorite things to do.

*On Halloween you can say "Happy Birthday" to me.

Does anyone know who I could be?  Thanks for getting to know me!


  1. WHat a cute way to spotlight the kids in your primary! Your little peacock is a doll.

  2. She is so precious and what a great memory! I'll look forward to hear about her accomplishments in math this year. I blog about cooking, family, poodles (obviously), and teaching.

  3. so dang cute. i love that! miss you guys!

  4. Peacock's answers are so cute, some made me giggle!

  5. I so enjoyed reading about your little peacock. How very sweet! You have a beautiful family!


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