Thursday, October 13, 2011

Turkey's 4 Now!

Can't believe my little guy is 4 years old!  We celebrated his birthday several weeks ago and the parties and celebrations seemed to go on for days, which he never complained about.  He got to have family dinner and a little party with all the in-laws and cousins a week or two before his birthday.  On his actual birthday, he spent the evening with my mom baking up a storm of cupcakes ... of course they all had to be decorated, too ... can't remember now, but it seems like they got turned into little monsters.

The day following his birthday, he wanted to go out to lunch, but he didn't care about the lunch aspect because he just wanted a chocolate-chip cookie!  We ended up going to Oregano's ... not the greatest food, but Turkey loves their free birthday pizookies!

And then the gifts kept coming....

{my boy likes all things cowboy!}

{he's also got the Volcom stuff figured-out}

I asked Turkey for days ... or possibly weeks ... what kind of food and treats he wanted on his birthday.  He just couldn't decide, but he seemed to keep going back to a chocolate cake or a cheesecake, so I decided to combine the two.  If you want to do something similar, it's not too difficult of a project.  I made my favorite dark chocolate cake recipe (two 9" rounds), my favorite cheesecake recipe (with no crust, also 9") and 1 1/2 times my favorite bittersweet chocolate frosting recipe.  Make and bake everything separate.  Since a cheesecake should rest in the fridge overnight, that's a good project for the day before.  The morning of, I made the chocolate cakes and then right before dinner time, I made the frosting & put all the layers together.  And because the cake is so tall and rich, a little bit goes a long ways!

Turkey's Get-to-Know-You from church:
(He filled in the blanks ... his answers are underlined.)
  • I came down to Pittsburgh, PA from my Father above.
  • My home has 16 (every time I asked, this was the answer I got) people and I don't have any animals to love.
  • I like to play with toys and go to church with my family.
  • If you see someone with green eyes and red hair, it could be me.
  • I like learning about big tractors when I go to school.
  • When I grow up I want to be a cowboy. (I think that would be cool.)
  • In my spare time I think playing in the backyard is fun.
  • And I like to eat popsicles & strawberries when the day is done.
  • I like the color green when I am making art.
  • When I read the scriptures Nephi is my favorite part.
  • On Sunday Sunbeams is the class I go to.
  • Singing Popcorn Popping is one of my favorite things to do.


  1. I can't believe he's that old already. He sure is cute. You look great. Hope things are going well. I keep meaning to email you to catch up and talk about your lot. Did Joel open his own practice?

  2. Aww Happy Birthday Nolan!! Wish we could have been there for the celebrations :)

  3. What a handsome young man. Glad he had a great birthday.

  4. What a handsome young man. So glad he had a great birthday.

  5. You are so stinkin cute!! That chocolate cake was beautiful. What a yummy combination to do both, I am going to have to try that. What lucky children. And that picture below of Peacock is so sweet. We love the "Say Hey" song... last spring we listened to that over and over and over, but I had never seen the video. cute. :)

  6. What a lucky boy to have such a sweet mom! What a yummy cake recipe, I am going to have to try that. And such a sweet picture of "Peacock"... and we love that "Say Hey" song, we listened to it over and over last spring, but had never seen the video. cute, I am going to show my kids. :)

  7. He is so darn cute!!! Your cake looks scrumptious!


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