Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Ghost & Ghouls

Our family enjoyed a great Halloween night of trick-or-treating, socializing, and yummy food!!  The kids all knew exactly (well, sorta) what they wanted to dress-up as for the festivities.

Penguin talked about being Hermione Granger for over a month.  She found a cape (from when I was a kid) at my mom's house, borrowed my tie, used my old jr. high orchestra skirt, & colored/decorated her own wand ... made from a chopstick. :)  She made a perfect Hermione!

Peacock told me all month that she wanted to be a fairy.  I didn't stress over her costume because I figured we had enough girly-fairy dress-up things around the house to make a great fairy costume, but at the 11th hour, she informed me that she wanted to be Princess Tiana again this year.

Turkey saw this fireman costume at Costco and his heart was set from that moment on.  If you stop by my house, you might find him still dressed as a fireman!

The line-up:

The above photo made me think of the following photo ... oh! how they've changed in 3 short years!!  (And they won't let me choose their costumes anymore ... it was fun while it lasted!)


  1. Loved seeing your beautiful children all dressed up for Halloween! Children are such a joy! They picked out great costumes and I loved the photo from 3 years ago! They do grow fast...enjoy every minute!

  2. aaaah... both those photos with the 3 of them were so stinkin cute!! I love how individually unique they each are... it makes it even more darling to see the 3 of them all bunched together so close. Sweetest family!!!

  3. ok would it be weird if I framed that pic of them together as the wizard of oz characters in the leaves to put up in my house every halloween....Haha. I love the leaves in it too... so cute.


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