Monday, January 9, 2012

Miles the Birthday Boy

My nephew Miles turned 1 a couple weeks ago and we all got together last night to celebrate his birthday with lots of delicious food & desserts.  Just hard to share a few pics of cute Miles .....


  1. Glad you got some good camera is crap and so are my pics...these are precious!

  2. I love these pics! Thanks for taking them!

  3. I just signed up for:
    You might want to check it out. I like the Baked ideas, but I feel like I have to research their recipes and mix what they do with what other bakers do to stop my recipe failures from their books. I think this new group might be a great baking group with better written recipes and a great variety. See what you think.

  4. What a precious boy! Your photos captured him perfectly~


Thanks for stopping by today!!