Wednesday, February 22, 2012

something new - febphotoaday

A rewind from last week:

Well ... I know this may not be new to you, but it's new to me.  I don't make much time for reading these days, but I picked up The Hunger Games on a whim about a week ago at Costco.  Good mistake? Bad mistake? I don't know. You decide.  I'm now addicted!  WHY DIDN'T I READ THESE BOOKS SOONER??!!??  Saturday evening I dragged my kids to Sam's Club to run some errands, but most importantly to find Catching Fire (book 2).  I was done with it by Monday morning.  If I didn't have obligations, I could've just sat on the couch and read it in one sitting.  Yesterday when I was at Wal-Mart, I grabbed book 3, Mockingjay.  I'm showing restraint by not sitting down to read it yet ... I'll take it to my eight-hour recording session tomorrow because I'm sitting alone, so I'll have no one to giggle and chat with during down time.

Good thing I only have one month to anticipate the new Hunger Games movie!


  1. Aren't they SOOOOO good!!!! I cant wait for the movie!!! It looks amazing already! :)

  2. Sounds promising ... will add it to my "to be read" list :)
    Warmest regards,

  3. OKAY. THATS IT! I am going to start reading the book series today. Bruce and my older kids have read it, but I had not. But since the movie is coming out next month, I am going to have to make that my goal. But if I don't like the book, then I am going to personally hold it against you. ha ha hahaha


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