Tuesday, February 7, 2012

White Loaves - Tuesdays with Dorie

OK.  So in a weak moment I joined another online cooking group ... baking to be exact.  I'm not having great results with most of the Baked Sunday Mornings recipes that I've tried, so I decided to jump on board with another Dorie Greenspan cookbook ... Baking with Julia.  If I understand correctly, Dorie Greenspan compiled recipes from a PBS series hosted by Julia Child where Julia welcomed a wide variety of famous chefs onto her show to share recipes & techniques.  We will be baking twice a month and our recipes include everything from breads to desserts.  Like other online cooking groups, I can not share the recipe on my blog, but I can direct you to the "hosts" for each recipe who will be allowed to share the recipe on their blog, so you can snag it there.

First up, white loaves.  I don't have a ton of experience with yeast breads, so this was a good place for me to start and I'd love to work on & improve my yeast doughs/breads this year.  With only six ingredients (all were already in my pantry or fridge), this recipe came together very quickly.  For those who are wondering, my Kitchen-Aid mixer did a lot of dancing, but it's done the same for other thick doughs.

After letting the dough rise for about an hour, I shaped it into two loaves....

After rising for another 45 minutes ... ready to go in the oven....

Right out of the oven....

While my bread was baking, the smell was KILLING me!  I had to restrain myself from pulling the bread out too early and gobbling it down!  

I did put one my loaves back into the oven (without the pan ... directly onto the oven shelf) for just a couple minutes so that the sides could brown a little more.  It browned very quickly.  Results: I think I prefer the softer, less-browned crust unless I planned to eat the bread with something that I was going to soak up like soup or spaghetti sauce.  My 9-year old liked the more brown/crispy crust better.

I better run.  My kids are anxious to sink their teeth into a slice of warm bread!

If you'd like the join our group, there is still time.  Go HERE.
If you'd like to get a copy of the cookbook that we'll be using for our Tuesday baking group, go HERE.
To get today's recipe, go HERE.

PS  After seeing a few other bakers produce some HUGE loaves of bread, I decided to try a bit larger of a bread pan than what the recipe recommends ... I used two 9-5/8" x 5-1/2" pans.  The bread still grew taller than the bread pan while baking.


  1. It looks like your loaves turned out very well.
    I think I am going to enjoy a lot of the recipes in this book - it looks like a great combination of basics and recipes with a twist...

  2. to answer your ?'s I only used 5 1/2 cups of flour. I think if I had used more it wouldn't have been soft. The dough was a little sticky and smooth so I stopped adding...
    Good idea on the bigger bread pan. I'll have to try that. I have some that same size.
    Yours looks yummy! If I were closer I would stop by and snag a piece! :) <3

  3. Wow, I think they look great. I had fun with this one
    too, first time baking bread from "scratch" Results,
    great. Tricia and I are going to enjoy this blog a lot.

  4. Steph phoned an hour ago and wondered why you have not yet posted. I told her you might still be baking, but she was excited to do this with us...just sad she forgot the salt. Oh well, next time. The most fun part of this bread is doing it with my girls in cyberspace. Nice bread work.

  5. I used about 6 cups and should have used a little less. I noted that to myself for next time. I really loved this bread. Very delicious with a little butter and jam for breakfast. Your bread looks wonderfully delicious!

  6. great photos, looks like your bread came out very nicely :)

  7. Wasn't the smell amazing?! I can't wait to bake some more bread. The color of your loaves is beautiful.

  8. Your golden loaves look plain perfect! Well done. :)

  9. Agreed! The baking bread smell was simply wonderful. I literally had to force myself not to slice into a loaf until I had taken enough satisfactory photos.

  10. Enjoyed reading your blog, and great photos. How did you get your "name" across the bottom of your photos? Please share your knowledge with me... by the way I loved the bread, nothin better than warm and fresh from the oven!

  11. I love your pictures!! Your blog gives me a lot of ideas on making mine look a little less plain. Don't know how you do it with three kiddos. You go girl!!!

  12. I think almost everyone's bread turned out perfect as yours did! So fun to be cooking/baking with you on Tuesdays, too~

  13. Your bread turned out beautifully - golden and perfect!


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