Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rugelach - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesdays are a good day for me to do some baking & extra cooking, but that means I usually won't get around to posting my Tuesday with Dorie results until late Tuesday evenings.

This morning I made my dough and put it in the fridge to chill because I had a few things I needed to pick up for dinner.  The kids & I ended up having a bit of a detour because we ended up at park near the Gilbert, AZ LDS Temple and having a picnic lunch before we even started our errands.  We ate our lunch, walked around, and enjoyed the sunshine, ducks, and turtles.  It also just so happened that Penguin's school had planned a St. Patrick's Day craft at this same park today and they were just starting the craft around the time we were finishing our walk, so we stopped to make our St. Patty's rainbows.

When we got home, my kids were ready to help finish up our rugelach (roo-ga-la).  They helped me roll out the dough and then we decorated our first batch with raspberry preserves, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, toasted pecans, and mini chocolate chips.  Our 2nd batch of dough was decorated with Nutella, raspberry preserves, toasted pecans, cinnamon, sugar, brown sugar, and mini chocolate chips.

My helpers then rolled lots of pretty little crescent-shaped cookies.

We let our cookies chill again in the fridge for about an hour and before baking them, we brushed them with an egg wash & dusted them with more cinnamon, sugar, & brown sugar. 

Our finished rugelach with Nutella:

Consensus ... I definitely liked the rugelach with the Nutella better then the ones without.  Dorie recommended filling the rugelach with apricot preserves, nuts, and dried fruit like raisins.  Raisins & I are not always the greatest of friends in desserts.  I'm SO glad I went with berry flavors and chocolate.  I also baked the Nutella rugelach a little longer than my first batch and I liked the more flaky/crispy outcome of it being baked a little longer.

Note to self: DO NOT bake these on wax paper again!  Just chill and bake them on parchment paper if I'm looking to save a few pennies by not using both kinds of paper.  I'd also like to try a little vanilla in the dough next time.

If you'd like to try this recipe, go HERE to get it!


  1. Nutella rugelach sounds awesome. They look great!

  2. Love your photos. Your helpers did a wonderful job!

  3. They came out beautifully - great helpers :-)

  4. We took our kids to the temple monday night and 4 different families from our ward had gone too... I think sundays messages must have inspired us all to go to the temple! :)

  5. The crescents are so pretty! I went with figs and chocolate, but now wishing I had also done a batch of Nutella. :)

  6. I used the apricot, prune and dried fruit combo but I'm eager to make it again using chocolate. After all the comments about how these wouldn't roll or hold their filling it was nice to hear from someone who had success. Your rugelach look nice and your picnic sounds delightful!

  7. I'm all for chocolate anything as a filling and the crescent shapes are much prettier than the "rolls." Sounds like you all had a fun day.

  8. Your rugelach turned out perfect! So jealous!

  9. They're so beautiful! Thanks for baking along with me this week! :)

  10. I did a second round with nutella and they taste great and are the least messy and easy to make of all the fillings (three) I tried. Your pictures are incredible.

  11. I love the idea of the Nutella! Sounds wonderfully delicious! Your rugelach look beautiful!

  12. They look just perfect, I really like the Nutella and jam! I will make this again with a different filling, I loved the cream cheese dough;-)

  13. I don't think you can ever go wrong with Nutella!


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