Wednesday, April 18, 2012

From Classical to Broadway - An EVMCO Event!

It's concert week!!  Yesterday I practiced my violin for 4 hours.  Today I could only get in two hours ... my brain was somewhat dead.  My Turkey is practicing standing still in concert position for 15-minutes a day ... a very hard task for my wiggly boy.  My Penguin is gearing up for a little solo part that she will perform (in Hebrew!) in front of 1000's of people Friday night.  And Peacock is ready to go! We are all super excited for our Friday night concert and we hope you'll grab one of the few remaining tickets to come see us perform!!

If you love the classics of the masters and Broadway tunes, this is the concert for you!  We will be performing everything from Rachmaninoff to Mozart and Les Mis to Sound of Music.

The 8pm concert is currently sold-out (but keep your eyes peeled because sometimes seats might pop up if tickets are sold back to the arts center) and the 5pm concert has limited seats, so if you are interested in attending, get online and buy your tickets now!  If anyone is interested, I have one ticket for the 8pm concert.

Here are a couple songs that I'm looking forward to performing ... 


  1. I wish I could join in but the distance - forbids it. Have a great time at the concert.

  2. Sorry we couldn't make it, I have a big test coming up :( Tell Penguin congratulations!! I'm sure she performed beautifully.

  3. This sounds wonderful! Wishing you the best of luck!


Thanks for stopping by today!!