Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blueberry Marscapone {Roulade} Trifle - French Fridays with Dorie

I think I'm a week + a day late on this recipe.  We're busy this summer and it seems like when we have a free day, I just wanna be lazy and not do too many extras.  One of my favorite lazy-day activities, so far, has been watching the Star Wars movies because my kids had never seen any of the movies and 2 of the 6 were new to me too.   I think #2 is my fave, but we still need to watch #5 & #6.

I wanted to try this recipe, but I also wanted to make it as quick & easy (& mess-free) as possible.  Instead of rolling my cake to make a roulade, I just cut my cake into bite-size pieces and turned my dessert into a trifle.  I like raspberries better than blueberries, but I decided to stick to the recipe and try the blueberries ... they were great with the recipe.  I also drizzled a tiny bit of orange juice over my cake pieces which added another flavor to the mix and sweetened the cake a little.  I walked away from my heavy cream while it was whipping, so it got a little well-done.  Kinda ugly looking, but it still tasted good.

Overall I give this recipe 4 out of 5 stars.  I didn't love the cake.  It was good, but I'd probably try this with a different cake recipe next time.


  1. How do you only show a few lines of your post in google reader and not all the information? I'd let to set my blog up like that.

  2. I haven't made this yet, but your trifle (and someone else's parfait) are making me want to skip the roulade part of it!

  3. I haven't made this yet, but your trifle (and someone else's parfait) are making me want to skip the roulade part of it!

  4. I like your idea of adding the drizzle of OJ & I think that wherever fresh blueberries are involved, it's hard to go wrong :-)

  5. I love the idea of a trifle…these ingredients lend themselves so well for this type of dessert! Blueberries and cream…what could be better!

  6. Yum. I haven't made this yet. Looks so good!!!

  7. Yum. I haven't made this yet. Looks so good!!!

  8. I'd always pick cake over barley ;) Great idea to make a trifle!


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