Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Popovers - Tuesdays with Dorie

After two weeks of school, I feel like we are starting to get into a routine.  We're all still a bit tired, especially my cute kindergartner ... she's still having a melt-down every afternoon.  Last night after apologizing to me, she looked at me and said, "I'm tiiiiired."  Poor girl!  She's being super good and obedient at school and even earning extra stamps and treasures, so I think by the time she gets home, she is totally pooped.  Anywho, I hope I can get back into more cooking and baking now that we're getting back into a routine.

I wanted to make popovers for breakfast and serve them with scrambled eggs, but getting up an hour earlier to make the popovers was not appealing.  I decided to make them yesterday and use up some potatoes in a pot of soup to go with my popovers. 

I doubled my popover recipe and sent leftover popovers and soup with the girls in their lunch today.  And since I haven't been baking as much recently, I didn't have any whole milk in my fridge, so I used half & half with a drizzle of skim milk. :)  I also thought I'd cut corners and spray my muffin tins with Pam, but I don't recommend it ... all my rolls stuck to the pan ... should've just used the butter like I was supposed to! *UPDATE: After reading a few blogs, it sounds like buttering the pans didn't work-out great for everyone either.  Maybe it needs butter with a little flour??

The recipe says to bake the popovers at 425* for 25 minutes ... after 17 minutes my popovers were looking too done, so at that point I turned the oven down to 350*.  I was supposed to bake them at 350* for another 15-20 minutes, but after 10 minutes, some of my popovers were beyond done.  

I did a little experimenting with my different muffin tins.  I poured batter into every other cup of my Wilton Pan like I was supposed to.  My popovers in the Wilton pan came out better but they were burned on the bottoms and sides and had darker tops too.  I had lots of batter leftover to I filled every cup in my Calphalon pan.  This batch of popovers actually puffed up better and ended up having more unique/fun tops and they didn't burn at all, but these ones stuck horribly to the pan.  So take it or leave it but I don't think I'll be using Wilton or Pam for popovers in the future.

Even though my popovers weren't pretty, they still tasted good.  Much to my dismay, my son had fun filling the inside of his popover with soup.  Happy Tuesday!!

If you'd like to try Julia Child's recipe for popovers, you can get it HERE or HERE.


  1. Your popovers look pretty good to me! Lucky kids to get popovers and soup for lunch!
    During the first month or two of school (many moons ago), my kids would come home from kindergarten quite overtired too…it gets better.

  2. They came out tall and golden! Soup is a good a pair as butter or gravy.

  3. I buttered the ceramic custard cups and could not get the popover out without breaking them.
    With the second batch I've buttered and floured the cups and the result improved.

    Your popovers do really look great.

    We started school on August 13th but not only the children are tired: Uff it's hard to get out of the bed so early!

  4. I have a feeling that soup filled popovers could be a bit messy...
    My youngest is a senior this year and she comes home almost every day and takes a nap after school :-)

  5. It's really all about the taste--not how they cam out of the pan! I melted some butter and put in on with a pastry brush--that worked for me. They were yummy.
    I'm your newest follower.

  6. Beautiful popovers and gorgeous photo! I'm sure the other kids were envious of your childrens lunch. Way better than pb&j ~ and I love pb&j!

  7. I love that your son filled his with soup! Sounds like a perfectly kid-logical thing to do and I bet it tasted great, too.


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