Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nectarine Chiffon Upside Down Cake - Tuesdays with Dorie

Hubby usually mows the grass before work and because he's usually in a hurry, he doesn't have a lot of time to tend to anything else in the yard.  Yesterday he got up and worked for several hours in the yard.  We hope it will cool off 10-20+ degrees soon so that the kids can start enjoying the backyard again!!  While Hubby worked outside, I worked in the kitchen making the Nectarine Chiffon Upside Down Cake.  I planned to served it for a late breakfast but then we were invited to a Labor Day bar-b-q/swim party and our job was to bring the dessert.  I didn't want to spend a rare family day baking, so we decided to skip breakfast and use the cake for party dessert. 

I was worried the cake would taste too breakfast-y, but we were not disappointed.  Everyone tried the cake and had positive reviews ... some even came back for seconds.  I enjoyed the texture but I wanted to taste more of the lemon juice that was added to the batter.  I think if I make the recipe again, I might add a little lemon zest depending on the fruit I choose to go with it.  I'd love to try this recipe with apples and pineapple sometime in the near future.

I made a streusel that went in the middle of the cake and it was used for the crust as well.  I couldn't find ginger in the cupboard, so instead of cinnamon and ginger in my streusel, I used Trader Joe's pumpkin pie spice.  My house smelled so yummy when the streusel was in the oven and one taster commented on how flavorful the streusel was, so the pumpkin pie spice was a hit! This cake went well with vanilla ice cream and it would be a great for a bunch, baby shower, or anytime something sweet is needed.

My only complaint is the time it took to put this cake together because of all the different parts, but I hope that it will go a bit quicker next time now that I've tried it once.

If you'd like to get the recipe, go HERE or HERE.


  1. It looks lovely - I am sure it was a perfect dessert for a holiday BBQ.

  2. Well, we are pros now so the next cake should be a breeze. How about an apple or plum cake?
    This was one great recipe.

  3. I forgot about all that lemon juice. I agree that you couldn't really taste it. (I even had to send my husband out for more lemons, since I only had 2 little ones.) I also agree that I expected it to taste breakfast-y, but it didn't.

  4. I served mine at our Labor Day barbecue! It was a big hit! Your cake looks gorgeous…love the design created by the nectarines!

  5. The pumpkin pie spice was a great idea! We loved this cake, too - complicated, but totally worth it.

  6. Looks really good and what a happy coincidence that the party happened on the same day as the bbq. I didn't think of it as a breakfast cake, though! Interesting! Kristine Mika (louisawalter)

  7. Your cake looks lovely! A happy co-incidence that you were baking on the same day as the BBQ! I hadn't thought about the cake as a breakfast cake - yet, I think you are right about it! Kristine Mika (louisawalter)


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