Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Best Ever Brownies - Tuesdays with Dorie

Ahhh...Tuesdays with Dorie.  What a slacker I've been!  Today's recipe is an onion pizza thing.  I'm going to pass with a big no thank you.  I love pizza! A great pizza is on my top 10 favorite foods ... always has been.  But I wouldn't call today's recipe pizza....

Instead I'm going to blog about a recipe I made back in November and had done on time, but just never got around to doing my post about the recipe ... Best Ever Brownies.  If you know me, I'm into chocolate and I'm always in search of a best ever brownie!

Since it's been so long since I made the recipe, I can't remember all my thoughts & everything that I wanted to say about the recipe, but I do remember enjoying the recipe ... a lot ... and it seems like the brownies didn't dry-out as quickly as some other brownie recipes that I've tried.  The insides were gooey & fudgy, just like I like my brownies. I do remember wishing they had some chocolate chips &/or nuts though.

My camera & I were not seeing eye-to-eye the day I wanted to take photographs of these brownies, so instead you get iPhone photos.


  1. Your post made me so hungry for brownies...it's about time you made some for me again, don't you think? And not bad for i-phone photos.

  2. Your brownies look great. Nice and fudgy. I didn't have much luck with them.

  3. Now I am jonesing for a brownie sundae! These were nice an gooey - admirable properties in a brownie.


Thanks for stopping by today!!