Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Consolari Concert Hall

Last Thursday evening, I got to take part in a little bit of history in the making.  At our EVMCO rehearsal, this video was played for us:

If you'd like to show your support for the Consolari Concert Hall & music education in the Phoenix area, please complete the survey HERE.

Our organization's name has been changed to East Valley Millennial Choirs & Orchestras and a third concert has been added to the line-up for this weekend.  If you'd like to attend a concert, please go HERE for more information.  If you want tickets for a sold-out show, please let me know and I can probably help you find some.

Newspaper article about the concert hall can be found HERE.


  1. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! Wish I had your talent, could sing, lived there, or had the money to do something cool like that here. My sister just posted this on FB too. So cool. I need to come watch one of your shows. Hopefully one day I can.

  2. I was SO sad we couldn't go to the EVMCO concert last weekend. friday night Ashlin had her 18th birthday party here, and saturday night she had Prom. I heard it was amazing though!


Thanks for stopping by today!!