Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

 {Mother's Day 2013 ... Turkey told me he was making his "bear face".}

I'm totally trying to avoid cleaning the bathrooms today.  It's my least favorite job.  It goes pretty quickly but it's just so gross & so mind-numbing.  I'd love a maid! Who wouldn't, right?

I had such a nice Mother's Day ... actually weekend.  Hubby had a 3-day weekend which is a rarity!!  Just having Saturday's off if a nice treat, so I was excited to see that he got Friday & Saturday off.  Friday I pampered myself a bit & went to get my hair done which included a goose-bump-giving scalp massage.  Ahhh! :)  Then my boys took me to my favorite pizza spot for lunch followed by a little shopping.  Friday afternoon we met with our architect, had a harp lesson, and dinner was squeezed in there somewhere but I honetly can't remember anything about dinner.

Saturday, Hubby went for a 50-mile bike ride with a couple of his friends.  When he got home, I was craving Jimmy-Johns so we packed lunches for the kids and grabbed ourselves some JJ's.  Then we headed to the mall ... my hubby entertained the kids at Pottery Barn Kids, Apple, & the Lego store so I could wander the mall alone.  Saturday night Hubby & I went to one of my favorite restaurants & enjoyed an outstanding meal!!  I'm still drooling and wanting more!

Sunday the kids went with Hubby to pick oranges for fresh squeezed OJ.  Then they made me Nutella filled french toast with raspberries for breakfast.  At the breakfast table, I was showered with cards & gifts of all sorts.  I'm a very blessed momma & wife.

At church, we enjoyed talks about motherhood.  And during the 3rd hour (yes, I go to church for 3 hours!), all the women 12 yrs old and up combined for a lesson on motherhood, ate cheesecake, and then had some time to socialize.

After church we stopped by my in-law's home to visit & deliver a gift.  Dinner was at my mom's house and it was way fun & yummy.  Definitely my kind of food!  My mom made a pot of potatoes, corn, & shrimp and then dumped it out along a couple long tables that were set-up by her pool - no dishes needed.


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