Thursday, January 28, 2010

I DO!!!

I think I've scrapbooked all the photos that I want to scrapbook from Emily & Tommy's wedding day.  Feels good to get those done!  Check-out the beautiful cake that one of my other sisters made.


  1. Love your scrapbooking! You are so creative. Do you create your own layers, or buy kits from other websites? Your sister is lucky you share your talent with her. I can't even get my kids' pages up to date let alone doing favors for other family. But I agree, it is relaxing when I get time to work on them.

  2. Hey Becky!! Just doing a little catch up... i read the post about your school hunt. We have been at Edu-Prize for 5 years and we absolutely love it. People come from all over the valley-Ahwatukee, Las Sendas, Q.C. and Tempe! It is definately worth looking into. It was an answer to my prayers...finally ending my confusing and frustrating school hunt! Love the modified year round and they have different time options. Let me know if you have questions :) Good Luck!!!


Thanks for stopping by today!!