Monday, February 1, 2010

Love #1

(Photo courtesy of

I thought for the first two weeks in February, it would be fun to share things that I love.  I ♥ Costco!  I ♥ that I can make one stop & get everything that I need from photos to new work clothes for my hubby to dinner to DVD's.  Although I miss our Waterfront Costco where they knew my whole family by name, it's always fun to run into people that I know at my new local Costco.  If you're looking for a place to pick-up a Valentine's gift for your ♥, Costco has some great options.  I wish that I would've taken a photo, but about 3 weeks ago my sweet husband bought me some gorgeous hot pink roses ... 20 to be exact ... from Costco.  They stayed nice & beautiful on my kitchen counter for almost 3 WEEKS!!  If you're requesting flowers from your ♥, you might want to hint that you'd like some from Costco. 

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