Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Registration is Open!

We live in a society where much is fleeting, and gratification is often instantaneaous.  As a result, fewer families are making long-term commitments to activities that require true focus and perseverance. There has been enormous success with the East Valley Mormon Chorale Organization & this is an organization that can offer an eternally rewarding experience to children, youth & adults.   

For the 2010-2011 season, singers will be taught in the areas of music history, theory, rhythm, sight singing, music notation, vocal skills, and performance skills.

To register for this program, please go to http://www.evmco.org/
June 8-30: Early Bird Registration for Fall Quarter, 10% discount
July 1-Sept 2: Normal Registration, standard tuition
Sept 2-13: Late Registration, additional $20 per registrant
Sept 2: First rehearsal
Dec 4: Christmas Concert at Mesa Arts Center

There are FOUR choirs for kids ... ages 4 through 12th grade are welcome.

Adult choir & symphony auditions are in August.  Rehearsals also begin in August because we will be participating in a Rob Gardner performance.  If you'd like to audition, go to http://www.evmco.org/ to set-up an appointment.  If you want audition info (what's required) for the symphony, let me know ... I have all that in an email that I can forward to you.

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