Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Sneetches - Girls Camp Devotional or Young Women Handout

I am in charge of helping my laurels come up with some devotionals & handouts for girls camp.  Both my laurels are YCL's (Youth Camp Leaders) this year so they get to help the younger girls have fun while at camp.  They are each responsible for coming to camp with 2 prepared devotionals and at each devotional, they'll be teaching about 20 other girls & leaders.

One idea I came up with (with the help of my momma) was a lesson or devotional about self-worth.  Our idea is to read the book, The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss and then give each of the girls STAR-burst candy with this handout:


This is a 12x12 scrapbook page that can be printed somewhere like Costco and then you get 9 handouts per page.  When you get a handout printed, they always turn-out much nicer & easier to read with a lustre or matte finish.

Last night I took my laurels shopping to Wal-Mart & Party City to get a few supplies.  You can get a bag of individually wrapped Starburst candies (I think about 80 candies came in a bag) for about $2.00. 


  1. I love your handout and tie in with The Sneetches. I am just getting ready for camp, and I might use it, so thanks!
    If you ever need to teach the value Integrity, Horton Hatches the Egg, by Dr. Suess is great!
    Thanks again!

  2. Love this idea! Do you have this in PDF or can it be cut and pasted to a word doc?

  3. Kristi - please send me your email address and I will email you the largest file I have of this handout so you can play with it as you please. You can right click on the picture and save it as a jpeg on to your computer and then go from there.

  4. Hello. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. I was wondering if you have a way to email me the handout of the Sneetches so I can print it out.
    Thanks again-
    Celeste Nelson

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. I was wondering if you had a way to email me a copy of the Sneetches handout, or a PDF.
    Thanks again-
    Celeste Nelson

  6. Celeste - I need you to send me your email address. Just leave a comment & I won't publish it. Or you can right-click on the picture of the handout on my blog, save the photo to your computer and get it printed that way. Thanks!

  7. I love this idea! In a nutshell, what did you say after you read the book about individual worth?

  8. Love your idea for the sneetches. What did you say after your read the book to the girls? We're focusing on individual worth one day so this is perfect



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