Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Breakfast Idea: Egg in a Hole

How about a quick-n-easy idea for a fun Christmas breakfast?  You don't have to make this part of your Christmas morning breakfast ... my kids enjoyed this for breakfast earlier this week ... it helped us get in the Christmas spirit.                 

For each person you will be serving, you need:
1 slice of bread
1 egg
Salt & Pepper, to taste
Approximately 1 Tablespoon unsalted butter

1. Heat a skillet over medium heat.  This is a recipe that's worth getting out the ol' iron skillet for even though it takes more time to clean when done, but any skillet will do.  Put some butter (about 1/2 tablespoon) in the heated skillet and let it melt.

2. While your butter is melting, use a Christmas cookie cutter to cut a shape out of the middle of a slice of bread.  You don't want to cut-out too much bread, but you need enough space for an egg to cook.

3. Place your slice of bread in the skillet and let it soak up some of the melted butter.  Crack an egg into the middle of your bread ... right where you made your Christmas cut-out shape.  Sprinkle a little salt and pepper onto the bread & egg while it cooks.

4. After the egg has cooked for a couple minutes, flip your toast & egg over.  This is a good time to add that other 1/2 tablespoon of butter.  I like to toss it in the pan as I'm flipping my toast so the second side has some butter to sizzle in.  Add a little salt & pepper while it cooks.

5. Cook until desired done-ness/brown-ness.  My kiddies don't like runny eggs, so we cook ours until the egg is no longer runny.  I also like to toast the piece of bread that got cut-out and serve that as well.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! We love these and call them egg-in-a-basket. But, I never thought of using a different shaped cookie cutter. I'll try that tomorrow morning!


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