Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brownie & Hot Fudge Ice Cream Sundae Birthday Party

Last week one of my laurels, Mary, turned the big 1-8!!  I gathered up some of the other laurels in my class and we went to kidnap Mary for her birthday.  The girls grabbed a blanket out of the back seat of my van and used that as a blindfold. :)  I brought all the girls back to my house for brownie hot-fudge ice cream sundaes.

I used fondue pots for homemade hot fudge & butterscotch sauces.  We also had bananas, strawberries, whipped cream, sprinkles, chopped nuts, candy canes, brownies, and ice cream, of course.  It was fun to be able to spend some time with the girls doing something that we kind of just spontaneously planned and that wasn't church related.  The girls had fun being silly and eating yummy food, too.

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