Monday, December 6, 2010

The EVMCO Bells Rang

Whew! What a weekend!!  I feel like I've been running for weeks and now today ... there is nothing that I have to do.  I'll probably start working on returning several phone calls, go through 100+ new emails,  finally finish some of those blog posts that I started but never finished, and begin thinking about Christmas festivities and traditions.

Saturday was a very fulfilling day.  After months of hard work and practicing and rehearsals, the EVMCO performed our Christmas show for two sold-out audiences ... probably about 3,000 people.   The first show went well, but the second show was indescribable ... at least from my perspective.  We were in our groove. :)  My two favorite pieces to perform were I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day and Carol of the Bells. Very powerful and Brett Stewart's arrangements of those pieces are like no other arrangements I've ever heard. I don't know if my head and back have ever hurt so bad after a concert, but I was too happy to care. A special thanks to those of you who came to see us perform (it's always fun to see familiar faces in the audience), who helped me with the kids, and who give feedback after the shows. 

On Sunday, I did something a bit crazy ... well, crazy for me. :)  The Chandler Symphony was in need of a couple first violinists for their Christmas benefit concerts, so I volunteered.  I showed-up to the concert without rehearsing with the group and played two concerts with them.  The first concert went well, but I was sight-reading.  By the time the second concert came around, I was able to relax and really enjoy myself.

Today I'm paying the price of playing four 90+ minute concerts this weekend, but I wouldn't trade it.  I feel rejuvenated.

A funny thing happens after our EVMCO concerts.  I wake up the next morning to photos in my inbox ... just don't know where they come from!! :) 


Congrats to my Penguin, too!  Her choir sang on Saturday night and they did a beautiful job!!  She sang When Christmas Comes to Town and The Polar Express ... both from the Polar Express movie.... and Christmas Bells are Ringing.  The children's voices were like bells and their harmonies were amazing!!


  1. You guys were so amazing!!! It was my favorite concert so far! Reed is going to audition aggin! Im super excited!

  2. I WILL make it to a concert someday...hopefully sooner than later. I've heard how wonderful it is!! (It's so weird to see in your photos some familiar faces in the choir of people from High school/College/old Ward Members. How funny!)


Thanks for stopping by today!!