Monday, December 13, 2010

Princess Party for a Princess

This cute girl had a family birthday party nearly a month ago.
 She wanted a princess party with lots of treats to eat!

Her siblings and a couple cousins joined in on the fun ...
as well as some of her aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Since we were going with the princess theme,
we had "Poisoned Apple Cake".

Brownies with Yorks were also on the menu.

So were mini Strawberry Cheesecakes as well as NY-Style Cheesecakes with Butterscotch Sauce.

My mom & sister baked Princess Peacock Molasses Ginger Snaps & Sugar Cookies.

We can't celebrate Peacock's birthday without
Chocolate-Chip Pumpkin Bars.  It's tradition.

The Purpalicious Princess Cupcakes were pretty ....
but not so tasty.  Won't be using that recipe again!

We had to have lots of fun purple & pink decorations!!

We enjoyed our Arizona evening out on the back patio with a little fire, homemade hot cocoa, and all our goodies!!  We also had other cheesecakes, chocolate-chip sweet rolls, ice cream, and other delicious homemade goodies.


  1. Love the mini strawberry cheesecakes! Cute!

  2. Looks like some yummy fun! You are so creative & such a fun mom. :)

  3. Lots of goodies in such a pretty princess presentation. I bet she loved the party. (I'm seraching for ideas for my daughter's bday party and came across your blog.)

  4. Hmmm... I think I like those pumpkin bars the most. They look lovely and delish!!!! :)


Thanks for stopping by today!!