Friday, December 10, 2010

Sweet & Spicy Cocktail Nuts: French Fridays with Dorie

So, I'm behind this week in my cooking assignment.  {I'll be back-dating this post to Friday just cause I want to be able to find all my FFwD posts on Fridays.}    I intended to make the carrot dish all week, but it never seemed to fit with the meal I was making or I was already running behind at dinner time and didn't have time for one more thing. 

{getting ready to go into the oven}


{just out of the oven}

On Saturday morning, after Hubby went to work, the kiddies & I were lounging around in our PJ's ... not really a good time for a carrot dish, but a great time to try sweet and spicy cocktail nuts!  My three year old Turkey was at my heels the whole time, but this was a great dish for a little kiddie help and there was hardly anything in this recipe that a toddler couldn't do.  He helped me measure & mix the sugar & spices.  He helped whip up the egg white a little bit.  He helped me measure and then coat the nuts.  Once the nuts were out of the oven and slightly cooled, he helped me pick the nuts off the parchment paper and some of the nuts made it to a bowl, but most made it into his mouth.

I was really worried about how the nuts would taste with both chili powder and cinnamon.  {I omitted the Cayenne pepper this time around.} I was pleasantly surprised, but I think I'd still prefer a sweet nut.  They were also a tad too salty for my tastes, but as always, it was so fun to try something different that I wouldn't normally make.  After the kiddies and I got ready for the day, we took some to Daddy so he & his associates could try some nuts and give us their honest opinions.  His front desk lady thought they were perfect.  His assistant thought they were just a little too salty.  The hygienist also thought they were perfect and wouldn't change a thing.


  1. Oh im so awaiting to try these too and ur sunday sounds perfectly good for these!
    Can see ur kiddies sure did have so muc fun with this one!
    I thought i wouldn like chilly and would still prefer a sweet nut but am gng to play along this time too :-)
    Happy hols !

  2. Love the photos of your children. Beautiful! I can't wait to make these…your look wonderful. Company this week...I think they will make a nice snack!

  3. Your nuts look terrific! So glad your little one got to help!

  4. Your chili pepper nuts turned out great! I noticed mine only had a slight hint of kick because I also prefer a sweet nut, like the sugar roasted almonds from Navy Pier!

  5. I love sweetened nuts. Yum. And they look beautiful.

  6. Yours turned out beautifully. I love the various reviews you got - spiced nuts are clearly a matter of taste!

  7. I did not notice much "kick" from the cayenne pepper...but I like spicy! Your nuts are beautiful. We also made them this week and sent a bunch to Uncle Jimmy in his Christmas box and also 2 just sweet Grandpa for his birthday. Thought they would ship great and everyone was eating them by the handfulls...including Dad. Also loved your post about Peacock's b-day...very nice photos, etc.

  8. You were so neat...look at that picture of the nuts on the time, I am going to be neat and make it like this!


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