Friday, October 21, 2011

Pissaladiere: French Fridays with Dorie

When I Googled for images of "pissaladiere", I got a bunch of variations of Dorie's recipe ... a pizza type looking thing with olives and anchovies ... ewww!  I have never tried anchovies (so maybe I have no idea on what I'm missing-out on) and I have NO intention of ever trying anchovies ... I don't even want to be the same room as an anchovy!!

But ... I didn't want to be a total party-pooper this week and skip another FFWD recipe because it had aspects that didn't appeal to me.  I checked-out the fancier olives at Costco and decided I wasn't willing to pay the price for those, so I made a Frolicking Night Owl Family-Friendly version of this week's recipe ... PIZZA!!

I wanted to try Dorie's recipe for dough because, up to this point, Dorie's dough recipes have usually been excellent and recipes that I go back to over and over again.  I had also never tried a pizza dough recipe with egg in it, so that intrigued me.  We did our Monday morning grocery shopping and grabbed from fresh mozzarella while we were out.  When we got home, I started a pot of fresh marinara sauce so it could simmer all afternoon ... I even used fresh basil from my "garden" (aka pots on my back patio).  While the kiddies had quiet time, I started my dough.  I wanted to make some oven roasted tomatoes again, but I ran out of time.

Monday was also hair day.  Sweet Ms. Donna came around dinner time to work on Miss Peacock's hair.  So while Ms. Donna did hair, I rolled & decorated dough.

I ended up making a mushroom pizza, a tomato & basil pizza, a mixed-bag pizza (partly just cheese, partly mushroom and tomato leftovers from the other two pizzas), and then I used the remaining dough and just baked it into a loaf of bread.

Results: Everyone (including Ms. Donna) loved the pizza crust ... it was thin & crispy, but don't use this recipe for make bread ... WAY too salty!  Overall, I think we had great success!!


  1. Love your pizza - it looks terrific!

  2. Lovely pizzas, but it's too bad you didn't try the anchovy version - maybe one day? It's true, you don't know what you're missing! It was great.

  3. How fun. That is a nice looking pizza...
    Funny about trying the rest as bread.

  4. Love your pizzas, both look wonderfully delicious. This dough was really very nice. Have a nice weekend!

  5. Love your new background on your site! :)
    It's funny to me that this was too salty for you! Maybe just skip the salt or just add a dash instead next time and see how it comes out? ... We made a few pizzas too and loved how they turned out!

  6. Oooh - this is right up my alley! Yummy!

    Happy French Friday!

  7. I didn't put anchovies in my pizza too, but I made the caramelized onions and they tasted great. Both your pizzas look mouthwatering, but you really also have to try them with those onions next time!

  8. Great to hear the pizza was a success! I also changed up the toppings to suit my own tastes. No anchovies for me!

  9. Your pizzas turned out great and so did Peacock's hair. Miss Donna is a treasure and I'm sure she loves spending time with you especially when she can sample your good cooking.

  10. Nice pizzas! I really liked this dough, too. I can see using it for other flatbread recipes, too. You should try the caramelized onion version, even if you skip the anchovies and olives - the flavour is kind of amazing.

  11. Your pizzas look fantastic, although somewhere out there, a little anchovy is sad because you'll never get to try it. ;) If you enjoy salty foods, you'll love them.

  12. Your pizzas look delicious and I am sure the kids really enjoyed them. I think they might not have liked the anchovy flavor in the pissaladiere, but you never know with children. I don't really like anchovies either, but have come to learn from cooking different recipes that they really do melt away and really flavor the food. Just don't like looking at them though. :)

  13. I have to admit that I love anchovies. I honestly can't remember whether I always did, or whether I had to work at it. I do wish I'd make the dough instead of using puff pastry. I'll have to make this again and do the more pizza-y version. Your pizzas look great.

  14. Everything looks great. The dough was quite easy to
    work with and I will be trying that again with other
    toppings. The only time we ever use anchovies are
    in a pasta dish with EVOO, and they just melt away.
    The flavor is there, but not the little fish to look at.

  15. Despite all the anchovy lovers here, I totally get your viewpoint. If you don't like 'em, you don't like 'em. I'm not going to deny the anchovies didn't taste fishy, but with the onion and olive they worked. I usually resort to anchovy paste, but from here out am going to use the fishies. Your pizza looks good!

  16. I'm sure when you are cooking for kids you have to do what you have to do but I do hope someday you come back to this and other things to broaden both of your horizons. Fear has no place in the kitchen!

  17. Good for you for finding a way to share our French Fridays - I too have been playing catch up (while Nana holds down the fort) and am looking forward to cooking all winter. That said, I do not plan on involving anchovies in any of those recipes. Great photos ~


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