Monday, January 30, 2012

America the Beautiful - A Patriotic Literature Lesson

Today is a beautful day in Arizona.  We worked hard this morning to get all our school work done quickly so we could spend a warm, sunny afternoon at the zoo.

Our Literature lesson today (for my oldest daughter) was on patriotic songs as poetry.  The three patriotic songs we learned about were "America the Beautiful", "The Star-Spangled Banner", and "This Land is Your Land".  We talked about new vocabulary words like rampart and perilous.  We learned a little bit about the men & women who wrote the lyrics to these popular poems.  Imagery is strong in these songs and another great topic that can be covered.  States & other locations talked about in the songs can be found on a map.  And there is so much more that we could have all learned from these lyrics!

To finish off our literature lesson today, we searched for the three patriotic songs so that we could see how various artists perform or interpret these songs.

My all-time favorite version of "America the Beautiful" is performed by Ray Charles.  It's nice to be reminded that we really do live in an amazing country & we are all SO blessed.


  1. You are so right....Ray Charles' version is the best I've ever moving! Enjoy your nice weather!

  2. This is such a lovely post. And I am with you on the Ray Charles version. Very inspirational. I am way behind commenting due to a big "let's clean the basement" project which of course...morphed out of control :) But I enjoyed reading your tater post- esp the part about the PIES !! My they looked amazing - great job by you and great choice by the birthday boy.


Thanks for stopping by today!!