Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Your View Today - febphotoaday

Happy February!

I saw something come up for a photo-a-day in February that caught my eye.  
I decided to give it a try.

The theme for today ... Feb 1st ... is "Your View Today".

I have lots of "views" throughout my day ...

naked bottoms,
lots of school work to grade,
my home & yard,
messes & toys scattered about,
food ... always nice to view,
3 clean bathrooms ... after I cleaned them, of course!,
sometimes a few tears,
& thankfully lots of sweet smiles!

I picked four of my views to share with you today.

The view from my kitchen table where I sit while I help my youngest two with their morning "pages" (school work):

A view from my back door ... I was too lazy to put shoes on.

My youngest:

My middle child ... note she just lost tooth #2 down there on the bottom!

If you'd like to try doing a photo a day, check out the list of themes for each day this month.  I'm not promising to do this every day, but I'm hoping to take more photos of every day life and use my camera more than I have the past year!

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