Friday, January 13, 2012

Creme Brulee - French Fridays with Dorie

I was so sad when I noticed that I missed Dorie's creme brulee in the busy month of December.  I've never made creme brulee and I was looking forward to a good excuse to try-out this dessert.  We decided to try it for this week's recipe rather than the chicken & we were not disappointed!

Thursday night I was at feeling at my wits end and I was nursing a bad headache.  My husband was very kind and took the kids into a room to build forts with blocks for an hour while I rested.  After the kids were in bed, I was in the mood for a little cooking project and Dorie's creme brulee recipe was perfect.  Quick & easy, just a handful of ingredients, & the smells were heavenly.  I've always been a fan of Amish custard pies, puddings, etc, so this was right up my alley.  I LOVE the smell of hot heavy cream mixed with a little vanilla, sugar & egg yolks.  For me, it's a very comforting smell.

I chose to put a teaspoon of Trader Joe's blueberry preserves on the bottom of each of my ramkins just to add another flavor to the dessert (it turned out good, but I don't know that I needed jam & then more sugar on top).  I baked my creme brulee's for about an hour but I think they could've baked another 5 minutes.  My kids & husband were excited to help out with my kitchen torch to make a little crunchy sugar on top.

After making Dorie's recipe, I started looking at creme brulee recipes in other cookbooks.  It's basically the exact same recipe ... some use only heavy cream, some use a water bath, etc.  I've already got my 2nd batch of creme brulee resting in the fridge ... I decided to try a "black & white" creme brulee (it has chocolate mousse on top!!).  I think we'll have it for a Sunday night treat.  I'll let you know how it turns out. :)


  1. The black and white creme brûlée sounds amazing! I still have to make this recipe and hope to get to it soon.

  2. I love creme brulee but this recipe didn't excite me. Black and white creme brulee sounds delicious!

  3. I love creme brulee but this recipe didn't excite me. Black and white creme brulee sounds delicious!

  4. I am not sure I even wanted to admit how much creme brulee got cranked out between Nana and I. Suffice it to say that our initial tries at this lovely dish turned into a creme brulee marathon. Nothing like the holidays to make you think all these goodies are "allowed".I think this may be my family's all time favorite but in fairness they loved the dish before I tried it at home. Glad your family had fun with the torch too :)

  5. This was a tasty one, wasn't it.
    Love the black & white brulee idea.

  6. Tricia is absolutely correct. I have had my fill of creme
    brulee and then some. We had a ball in Vermont
    for the holidays, and her two boys loved the torch.

  7. Your creme brulee looks great. You should try the chicken sometime too. It was also delicious.

  8. Why do all of your posts have to be so yummy?? ha ha, and how is it that you stay so skinny?? :)

  9. I was disappointed that I missed the creme brulee, too! Glad you got your done. They look amazing!

  10. Oooh, creme brulee topped with chocolate mousse? I like the way you think!!!!


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