Thursday, January 19, 2012

Black & White Creme Brulee

After trying Dorie's recipe last week for creme brulee, I was excited to try more creme brulee recipes ... easy, yummy, and they save well in the fridge!  I came across a recipe for black & white creme brulee ... creme brulee with chocolate mousse on top.

Both the creme brulee and mouse were easy to make, but this is a project that you'll have to plan for because the creme brulee has to sit in the fridge overnight before topping it with the mousse and then the mousse sat in the fridge overnight before serving it.

My family of five enjoyed this new concoction and a lot of my extended family tried & enjoyed it as well.  I liked the idea, but I personally liked Dorie's creme brulee recipe better (this recipe had a lot more eggs ... too eggy for me) and I'm certain I've had better mousse recipes as well ... think I'll try David Lebovitz or someone else's next time.  

Instead of making 6 individual creme brulee's, I made one large one in a tart pan.  When I went to take a photo, this is what I found ....


  1. Your photo made me laugh out loud!! It had to be delicious!!

  2. Well, I liked this recipe quite a lot! I still need to catch up on Dorie's recipe...I'll let you know when I do...I'll need eating helpers.


Thanks for stopping by today!!