Friday, January 20, 2012

Quarte-Quarts - French Fridays with Dorie

I think I'm missing my weekly night away at symphony rehearsal (we're on break right now) because by the time Thursday night hits each week, I'm feeling like I need a break or some me-time.  I actually kind of saved this recipe for Thursday night.  I knew I didn't have anything going on and that hubby & I could put the kids to bed and enjoy some fresh-out-of-the-oven cake before bed last night.

We hurried home last night specifically to watch American Idol (I used to be a big fan, but haven't watched for several years now) because it was in PITTSBURGH last night and I'm a fan of all things Pittsburgh!!  After we watched an hour of American Idol, hubby took the kids upstairs for the bedtime routine and by the time they came to find me for our nightly family prayers, my cake was done & in the oven.  So thank you to Dorie for another recipe that was quick, easy, and uses ingredients we all keep on-hand.  There were some options with the recipe ... I made mine with vanilla (probably about 2 tsp - I just poured) and I sprinkled a healthy tablespoon of brown sugar on top of the cake before it went into the oven.

Usually my oven bakes things on the quick side, but I ended up baking this cake for longer than the suggested time.  After it cooled for about 20 minutes, it came right out of the pan and Hubby & I each enjoyed a barely warm piece with sliced strawberries.

I am usually of the thinking that if cake doesn't have chocolate, it's not worth my time or the calories.  Not the case with the quarte-quarts!!!  I loved it!!!

Loved the melted, crunchy brown sugar on top.

Loved the simple yet comforting taste & texture.

Delish!  Will definitely make again to go with berries. 

Think I'll make it in a square pan next time....

One more quick story.  

The mama came down this morning to take photos of a yummy cake, and what did she find .... a little "mouse" had been into her cake!

She caught the culprit and he curled up on the counter-top to cry...

The mama felt bad for roaring like a lion at the little mouse, so she quickly grabbed one of his favorite foods out of the fridge ... strawberries.

The strawberries helped. 

The End.


  1. My cake took a little longer to finish baking too. I'm glad you and your husband (and your little mouse!) enjoyed this one.

  2. I just loved your post...I couldn't help but smile. Love the photo of your little guy with a tear still on his face. Your cake looks simply beautiful and delicious even with a little mouse bite!

  3. Oh, what a cute post! I have a few rather large mice in my house and they now know to ask if I need to photo before indulging. :) So glad you had some me time to make this and it was a perfect cake to enjoy and no wonder your little mouse couldn't resist. Your cake turned out beautifully.

  4. What a cute post! I love that you assuaged the culprit's feelings with strawberries! Your cake looks tasty!

  5. Hah, I have mice, too, along with the "distractions" and they tend to eat up my goodies. Not that I mind, since I could do with fewer slices myself. Your cake with strawberries looks great. We just added strawberry jam!

  6. How precious! If my little mouse could reach the counter, I think he would have been in it too! It was a wonderful and simple cake, so yummy!

  7. Too funny! I've seen so many posts today about kids and/or pets hopping on the counter to get to this cake! You know it's good when that's the trend! :)

    Your cake looks delicious!

  8. Very cute post! What can you do but enjoy those kiddos while they're still that young. Oh, and darn but my exercise dvd's showed up a day early...

  9. Too funny! My little mouse found and ate my caramel chocolate bar yesterday afternoon. Stinkers!

  10. We call my youngest "little bear" (she's 16) because she leaves food looking like a bear mauled it :-) They are funny like that aren't they?
    Definitely loved how easy this was - and a topping of berries makes it just the right snack.

  11. What a cute little mouse though! I'm glad the strawberries helped stop the crying~~

    Great recipe isn't it? I'm amazed how quickly you whipped up this cake! So glad everyone enjoyed it at your home!

  12. What an adorable little mouse:-)

    I too went into this recipe with low expectations just because it looked a little boring. But we absolutely loved it! So simple and yet so tasty. We will definitely be making it again.

  13. Hah! Cute post and very nice cake. Stephy told me this is a keeper and she usually does not like cake...she told me I could make it again soon...she was one of my mice.

  14. LOL - a cute post. I agree that this lively fluffy cake was worrh every calorie.

  15. The expression on the little mouse said it all - one delicious cake especially with strawberries!

  16. LOL!!! Well your not the only one that had a little one get into the cake... :) Seems to be quite popular with the little ones. Mei loved hers too! :)

  17. Aw, I love your cute "mouse." Glad you all enjoyed this one :)

  18. I love your sweet story at the end of your post. It is those moments when we can make out little mice smile again that are worth it even when we roar like lions. ;) You cake looks fantastic and the strawberries look like they could have been great on it too! :)


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